Sick Fat and Nearly Dead
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Sick Fat and Nearly Dead

You might have seen the title or the image for the movie Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead and your reaction might be like most when seeing the picture…EEW! We had seen the video listed in Netflix, but the title and the picture was not enticing to say the least. But then, we happened to watch the trailer for the film, and we decided to watch the movie in it’s entirety. It was an amazing movie. If you can get past the title and...

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Homemade Gelato that will Make your Mouth Water
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Homemade Gelato that will Make your Mouth Water

Sometimes it’s hard to find that perfect treat. Especially for special occasions and for the holidays. That’s why Gelato can be such a great treat. We’re not talking about any old Gelato, we’re talking about Gelato that is homemade. Why does homemade gelato taste better? Because it’s homemade that’s why! Gelato is a…ahem…healthier alternative to ice cream....

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Keeps you Organized and Offers Great Recipes
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Keeps you Organized and Offers Great Recipes

Could there be an “app” for that? An app that can help you stay organized and eat more healthy? There certainly is. Facing some health challenges, that we’ve mentioned previously (rheumatoid arthritis), we decided that although still young, we needed to change and eat and live a healthy life. A healthy life has helped us tremendously. A Few things we’ve done to Improve our Health Juicing the Pulp out...

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If you Could Choose Only One: A Juicer, a Rebounder, or a Blender
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If you Could Choose Only One: A Juicer, a Rebounder, or a Blender

Trying to live healthy? It’s not always as easy as it seems. There’s the initial excitement that really gives your drive to be a healthy a great kick-start, but then something happens…something that stops a lot of people dead in the their tracks…and it’s called life. Granted, life doesn’t stop you dead, but it can stop the actions towards a healthy life dead in their tracks. We get busy, and soon...

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Crazy Blendtec TotalBlender Videos
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Crazy Blendtec TotalBlender Videos

You’ve probably seen the videos gone viral on YouTube by the “Will it Blend” guy from Blendtec. For Christmas, our family got one of the Total Blenders from Blendtec. We love it. We also think the videos on YouTube about them are pretty funny…if not a little weird. Here’s one of our favorites…Blending Glow Sticks: Here’s another…Blending a Rake: And oh the humanity! How could they blend...

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