Best Quality Soft Serve Ice-cream Machine for Large Parties and Groups
You’ve got a large party coming up, and what better fun than to have your own Soft Serve Ice-cream Machine! Real Soft-Serve machines used to be huge. You basically needed a truck and a bunch of people to lift the ice-cream maker to get it anywhere. Those days are over. There’s a new compact soft-serve machine that simply puts the other back-breaking machines to shame, and you can have it as a soft...
The Laser-Shooting Robot Vacuums are Invading
The future is here, now that your robot vacuum can shoot lasers. Laser-weilding Botvac Some might say that the lasers are not intended to kill, but they’d be wrong, dead wrong. The Neato Botvac Connected does have lasers, and those lasers do kill things, although they might not be what you expect. Botvac Lasers Kill Extra Work The Botvac Connected lasers kill extra work. The lasers enable the Botvac to navigate around your room...
Two, Can’t-Miss Features of Roomba’s 980 Virtual Walls
1. Virtual Walls with the Roomba 980 The Roomba 980 is amazing. Check out our Roomba 980 Review You can buy the pack that comes with virtual walls, and it’s beyond sweetness. They work similar to garage sensors–the sensors that won’t let the garage close if something is in the way except these keep the Roomba Robot from passing an area you define. Compared to the Competition We have a Neato Botvac, and it came with a...
What Everyone Ought to Know About the iRobot Roomba 980
“It’s like the Tesla of Robot Vacuums.” Is the Roomba 980 the Best Robot Vacuum? Below is a quick video intro into the Roomba 980. If you want something cool (cooler than a robot vacuum), are the virtual wall barriers mentioned in the video: The virtual wall barriers are just that, virtual walls. Other robot vacuums come with a non-adhesive magnetic strip you can place as a barrier. We have to say, the virtual walls...
2 Key Differences – Neato vs Roomba
Two key things that not to miss when comparing a iRobot Roomba vs the Neato Botvac Connected. They roam the floor picking up dirt and debris, how much different could they be? Both Robot Vacuums are Compact, but the Important Differences Between the Roomba and the Neato are Huge. Compare Neato vs Roomba View the following video review comparing the Neato Botvac Connected vs the iRobot Roomba. If you want to skip the video and get...
The Future is Here – Neato Robotic Vacuum Review
Welcome to the Future It’s happened, you can now have a robot take care of your home…well, at least your vacuuming. Until now, robot vacuums have been a little gimmicky, not really covering whole rooms, and lacking power. Well the future has now arrived, but does it suck? View the video below for a quick overview of the Neato Botvac Connected Wi-Fi Robot Vacuum: Is this Novelty or Luxury? Luxury, definitely luxury. After...