LifePro Rumblex 4D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Review

What Sets the LifePro Rumblex 4D Apart from Other Whole Body Vibration Machines?

Selecting a whole body vibrator exercise machine can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

There are options that go all the way up into the thousands of dollars, and then there’s really cheap imitations.

Fortunately, there’s the LifePro 4D that tops the list as the best whole body vibrator in terms of value, features, and results.

The Best Whole Body Fitness Vibration Machine

The LifePro 4D Vibration Machine has many vibration options to choose from:

  • Lateral
  • Pulses
  • Pluses and Oscillations
  • Lateral Pulses
  • Oscillations and Lateral Movement
  • “4D” Spiral
  • Simple Oscillations

A Full Body Workout that’s Fun and Easy on Body

The great thing about fitness plates is that you can adjust the speed and movements according to your comfort level.

The LifePro 4D has many options to provide variety in the work out, but also provides speed/intensity settings all the way from 0 to 99.

That lets you start out slow and build up, or jump right in. It’s your choice.

Many users with feet or knee problems enjoy the ability to take it easy at first and work their way up to more intense exercises.

Easy Setup and Easy Use of the Rumblux 4D

Lymphatic Health with a Fitness Vibration Plate

The body’s lymphatic system carries away waste from our body’s cells. The system is connected all throughout the body similar to how our blood vessels transverses the whole body with one big exception.

The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the circulatory system does in the heart. It takes movement to get that draining going, and the fitness vibration plate, similar to a rebounder, helps to move a long the system for better health.

What are customers saying about the LifePro Vibration Plate?

Testimonial for the 3D, which the 4D is the latest model.

The LifePro Vibration Fitness Plate has a stellar 4.5 out of 5 star rating with over 6,711 reviews on Amazon.

“I LOVE this vibrating plate!!! Read every review on every plate plus the book Whole Body Vibration and decided to go with this.”

Amazon Customer

“Wow! I am absolutely in love with this machine!”

Amazon Customer

“Feels Great On My Knees and Hips. I suffer from knee and hip pain and lived with it for awhile until I got this machine. With days of use my pain is gone. I am also noticing that my legs are getting firmer and the water build up on my ankles is going away.”

Amazon Customer

“Honestly wow! I suggest you get one NOW”

Amazon Customer

“10 minutes a day and I feel great.”

Amazon Customer

“Relaxing, invigorating, helps with digestion, healing, and it’s fun…. The first time using, try putting a chair in front of you to make sure you get used to it and hold on until you feel comfortable.”

Amazon Customer

“First impressions, it’s larger than previous models but I like the curve and it is comfortable and sleek. Also love the fact they give you a mat! Yes! Big bonus for me.”

Amazon Customer

“This is my first machine that is “4D” the number of options and settings are just amazing. You can focus on many different areas with Oscillation, Pulsating, and lateral. What makes it unique, is the ability to combine different motors.”

Amazon Customer

Get the Fitness you Deserve with the LifePro 4D

View the LifePro 4D Whole Body Fitness Plate on Amazon

Life Pro Rumblex 4D Vibration Machine

Check Pricing on Amazon

Author: D Review


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