Comparing the JumpSport 350 vs. JumpSport 350PRO
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Comparing the JumpSport 350 vs. JumpSport 350PRO

What’s the difference between the JumpSport 350 and the 350PRO? The 350 and 350PRO are almost identical except for one key feature. Whether this feature makes a difference for you will depend on how you want to use your JumpSport rebounder. Why get a JumpSport Rebounder? As the video above shows, they’re quiet, they’re easier on the joints than other stiffer mini-trampolines, The 350 vs the 350Pro JumpSport has a...

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Review of the JumpSport 550F 44″ Folding Rebounder
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Review of the JumpSport 550F 44″ Folding Rebounder

The JumpSport 550F will Kick your Butt and that’s a Good Thing JumpSport has a number of sizes for its rebounders. We have the 350 and absolutely love it. However, if you want a larger area to jump upon… The JumpSport 550F is fantastic, and compared to other models, it folds up for better storage (more on that in a second). Just how big is the JumpSport 550F Pro? When we bought the JumpSport 350, it was the only size...

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Review: Get Healthy with the JumpSport 250 Rebounder
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Review: Get Healthy with the JumpSport 250 Rebounder

The JumpSport 250 is the new more economical Fitness Trampoline. We have a JumpSport 350 and I’ll talk about the differences, but… First off, what makes a JumpSport so special? The JumpSport Rebounder Difference One of the real advantages of the JumpSport Rebounders is that they are quiet. Other rebounders, like the popular Cellerciser, have metal springs that are noisy when jumping. The JumpSport is virtually silent...

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The Surprising Results of a Rebounder vs Whole Body Vibrator
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The Surprising Results of a Rebounder vs Whole Body Vibrator

The first time I saw a whole body vibrator in use, I thought it was strange, like weird strange. This thing couldn’t work, could it? If you haven’t seen one before, check out the video below. We’ve used a JumpSport Rebounder for years and have loved it. But there’s another way (a faster way) to get the benefits of stimulating the lymphatic system (the system that helps eliminate cell waste from the...

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Careful! Comparing and Choosing a Rebounder Mini-Trampoline, Full Review
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Careful! Comparing and Choosing a Rebounder Mini-Trampoline, Full Review

Get the most bang for your buck when choosing a rebounder. For the best exercise equipment, you want to get something that safe, easy to use, and a decent price. Check out what we and many others have learned in our rebounder reviews of the most important rebounders below. Why consider a rebounder in the first place? You might want an exercise machine that is: Easy on the joints, shoulders, knees, etc. A good aerobic workout but is...

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