The first time I saw a whole body vibrator in use, I thought it was strange, like weird strange. This thing couldn’t work, could it?
If you haven’t seen one before, check out the video below.
We’ve used a JumpSport Rebounder for years and have loved it.
But there’s another way (a faster way) to get the benefits of stimulating the lymphatic system (the system that helps eliminate cell waste from the body), and that’s by using a Whole Body Vibrator.
What is a Whole Body Vibrator?
In a nutshell, a whole body vibrator vibrates your whole body as you stand on a vibrating plate.
The vibrating plate moves up and down at different angles aka multi-directional vibrations.
The distance the vibrating plate moves isn’t very much all, but the movement is very fast.
“Just 10 minutes on the Power Plus Vibration Plate is equivalent to 60 minutes of conventional exercise.”
That’s a pretty hefty claim, but there are some great reasons to get a vibrator, and lots of customers saying how it’s helped them.
The results that customers are getting are astounding.
Of course, use it in tandem with a proper diet, and you can get some great results.
Here’s what some customers are saying about the popular Confidence Fitness Whole Body Vibrator on Amazon:
“I love it! My daughter and I have had great success with it. I am doing a weight loss program with it and have lost 60 lbs. I got this because I have issues with my feet…”
“I Love My Jiggle Machine!”
“…my husband decided to give it a try, and it literally melted his love handles away! We are both amazed! When I get off of it I feel refreshed and relaxed, and like I have really done something great for my body.”
“I have been using this for a couple weeks, haven’t noticed any weight loss, but it does feel really good to use it. My muscles feel tighter and I feel less stressed. I also noticed that the aches and limited mobility in my shoulders is gone when I use this thing regularly.”
“I have had this for over a month now and use it daily. I am in my mid 50’s and have a bad right hip that probably is due for a replacement at some point. But when I use this machine for 10-15 minutes, it seems like the pain in my hip subsides.”
How does a Whole Body Vibrator Help?
The benefits that a vibrator like the Confidence Slim Body (full review here) pictured above is a complete exercise of the whole body.
Whole body vibrators are kept in fitness centers as a way to help improve joint strength and joint range of motion, improved balance (better be after all that shaking) and of course muscle strength.
You get a lot of bang for your buck as the system helps to exercise a wide range of muscle groups and does so at incredibly fast speeds.
Here’s a video of how it works, and you can see that they’re not shaking like crazy. The vibrations are smooth although they can also be adjusted.
The Science Behind Whole Body Vibration
This video details some of the science behind the benefits of using a whole body vibrator like the LifePro Vibration Machine.
How much does a Whole Body Vibrator Cost and how can you get a Good Deal?
The big-name whole Body Vibrators like Power Plate and 3G Cardio Vibration Machines will set you back over $1,000. We recommend these types of machines if you’re concerned about wear and tear on your joints and want more options in terms of plate size and preprogrammed routines.
Alternatively, you can look into one of the best selling vibrators because of the reduced cost (about $250), the Confidence Fitness Slim is the #1 Seller on Amazon in the category, and you can read the Confidence Slim Full Body Vibration Platform Fitness Machine

But is a Body Vibrator better than a Rebounder?
You’ll remember that a rebounder is a mini-trampoline of sorts that you jump on that stimulates the lymphatic system, helps strengthen muscles, balance, and is similar to the effects of a full body vibrator.
The comparison between a rebounder and a whole body vibrator comes down to three things:
- Results
- Preference
- Price
Results – Rebounder vs Whole Body Vibrator
A rebounder like the world-famous bellicon rebounder and whole body vibrator exercise in similar ways, except for the whole body vibrator works at a much faster speed. Although both are good exercises, the vibrator can give faster results in terms of the tone you’re looking for.
If you’ve been injured or have joint pain a vibrator may be easier for you initially.

Exercise Preference
Our mini-trampoline we is quiet, and it’s portable. So as far as pull it out to enjoy a little television while exercising, the rebounder is great for that.
It just feels like a good exercise that really helps to stimulate the lymphatic system.
However, a whole body vibrator moves at such a speed, it’s like getting thousands of bounces a minute.
It’s much easier on the joints and you can control the speeds. Whole body vibrators have come a long way, and their popularity is growing super fast.
They’re also about the easiest exercise on your joints, but that still benefits your joints. As always, consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions that might be a risk to the exercise.
Whole Body Vibrator Price
It used to be that rebounders (mini-trampolines) won hands down for price, but now with the Confidence Slim, rebounders are getting a run for their money. The more reinforced rebounders cost more than the Confidence Slim.
It’s the best vibrator we’ve found for the money, and it actually not that much more than the entry level (but still high quality) rebounders.
So, for just a little bit more, you could go for the whole body vibrator and start seeing some pretty fast results. Just look at all the reviews.
The LifePro Vibration Plate has over 6,715 reviews on Amazon with a 4.5 out of 5 star average rating!
It’s incredible.
It’s got more reviews that the JumpSport and Cellerciser mini-trampolines combined!
Making the Choice Between a Rebounder and Whole Body Vibrator
If you’re concerned about faster weight loss, and an exercise that’s easier on the joints, it’s pretty clear that the Whole Body Vibrator is a home run compared to other exercise machines and has a number of advantages over a mini-trampoline.