The Surprising Results of a Rebounder vs Whole Body Vibrator
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The Surprising Results of a Rebounder vs Whole Body Vibrator

The first time I saw a whole body vibrator in use, I thought it was strange, like weird strange. This thing couldn’t work, could it? If you haven’t seen one before, check out the video below. We’ve used a JumpSport Rebounder for years and have loved it. But there’s another way (a faster way) to get the benefits of stimulating the lymphatic system (the system that helps eliminate cell waste from the...

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If you Could Choose Only One: A Juicer, a Rebounder, or a Blender
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If you Could Choose Only One: A Juicer, a Rebounder, or a Blender

Trying to live healthy? It’s not always as easy as it seems. There’s the initial excitement that really gives your drive to be a healthy a great kick-start, but then something happens…something that stops a lot of people dead in the their tracks…and it’s called life. Granted, life doesn’t stop you dead, but it can stop the actions towards a healthy life dead in their tracks. We get busy, and soon...

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Let your Fitness Trampoline Rebounder Make you Feel Better
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Let your Fitness Trampoline Rebounder Make you Feel Better

Dead Dead as a door nail. No, not us. It was our gym membership. We signed up for a gym membership a while back. We paid for a full year…and barely went. We’re pretty health conscious individuals (at least we think so), and wanted to exercise more, but the business of life soon took priority over trips to the gym. So when it came time to renew our membership, we were looking for something else… One reason we...

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Careful! Comparing and Choosing a Rebounder Mini-Trampoline, Full Review
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Careful! Comparing and Choosing a Rebounder Mini-Trampoline, Full Review

Get the most bang for your buck when choosing a rebounder. For the best exercise equipment, you want to get something that safe, easy to use, and a decent price. Check out what we and many others have learned in our rebounder reviews of the most important rebounders below. Why consider a rebounder in the first place? You might want an exercise machine that is: Easy on the joints, shoulders, knees, etc. A good aerobic workout but is...

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